Northlands Wood Primary Academy

Northlands Wood
Primary Academy

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Year  1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past.

Recall some facts about events, people and changes in the past.


Say why people might have acted that way


Can notice some similarities and differences between then and now

Use information to describe and recall  events


Look at evidence and explain why people may have acted in that way


Recount the main events from a significant event


Can identify similarities and differences within their topic/event independently

Use understanding of evidence to describe events, what is was like for people and how our lives have changed


Can identify different themes and events within History


Can describe similarities, differences and changes within a topic/event

Use evidence to support ideas and facts


Describe similarities and differences between people and events they have learnt about


Describe how the past has affected us today


Can identify a range of information from themes and events within History


Can make valid statements about similarities, difference and changes within topics/events

Use reliable sources to find out more about the past


Use evidence to support answers and ideas about the past


Describe similarities and differences within History


Describe how the past has affected us today


Make links between areas of the past (political, social, etc)


Can understand features (similarities, differences and changes) within themes and events

Use reliable sources to find out more about the past


Use evidence to support answers and ideas about the past


Describe similarities and differences within History


Describe how the past has affected us today


Make links between areas of the past (political, social, etc)


Can provide an overview of the themes and events with a range of periods

Historical understanding of vocabulary.

Uses time phrases (now, a long time ago, when my parents were younger, etc)

To understand and apply basic historical vocabulary in their work: ‘in the past’, ‘nowadays’, now, a long time ago, when my parents were younger, etc

To understand and apply some historical vocabulary in their work

To understand and apply suitable historical vocabulary within their work

To understand and apply historical terminology accurately within their work/projects

To understand and apply historical terminology accurately within their work/projects

Understanding of chronology.

Understand the difference between past and present


Can sequence a set of events using a basic timeline

Use terminology ‘past’ and ‘present’ when talking about events.

Recall changes in their own lives – Tim Peake, Olympics, World Cup etc.


Can independently sequence events on a timeline


Discuss which events happened first.

Describe dates and order specific dates from a period of History using a timeline

Order significant events and dates on a timeline


Describe main changes within a timeline, using all their previous learning and understanding


Can label different events and periods within History on their timeline

Order significant events and dates on a timeline accurately


Describe main changes within History


Can independently sequence and label a variety of events

Order significant events and dates on a timeline


Identify and compare changes within History, either within periods of History or across them


Understand that some events were happening at the same time in different locations


Can date, label and sequence events

Historical enquiry.

Be aware of how History is represented (museums, books, pictures)


Use of photos to discuss events and ask and answer questions


Look at objects from the past and ask questions, discuss what they might have been used for


Understand why we learn about and celebrate events

Discuss ways in which Historical information is represented. What’s the difference between 1918 and 1666 artefacts?


Ask questions about the past


Use a range of information to answer questions


Use ICT to research into a specific event


Can understand and give reasons for why they are learning about an event

Use documents and sources (photos, archives, artefacts, internet, books, music, pictures, etc) to support facts and research


Ask questions and try to find more information


Ask valid questions and answer them with the use of valid sources

Use documents and sources (photos, archives, artefacts, internet, books, music, pictures, etc) to support facts and research


Asks and answers questions in detail using a range of sources which they can independently validate


Can understand why a range of sources supports a historical enquiry

Use documents and sources (photos, archives, artefacts, internet, books, music, pictures, etc) to support facts and research


Choose reliable sources to support ideas


Investigate own ideas by creating own questions


Can reach a conclusion based on asking and answering questions about information


Can state whether they accept or reject a sources reliability when carrying out an enquiry

Use documents and sources (photos, archives, artefacts, internet, books, music, pictures, etc) to support facts and research


Choose reliable sources to support ideas


Investigate own ideas by creating own questions


Can independently reach a valid conclusion about a topic/event


Can comment on the reliability of sources

Historical interpretation.

Look at books, videos, photos, pictures and objects to try and find out about the past


Can identify one cause and effect for events

Can identify information from a range of sources: books, pictures, photos, internet, artefacts, school trips, historical sites, etc


Can identify cause, effects and changes within a period of history/event

Understand that there are different sources for events – why might this be?


Use of photos and ICT to support understanding


Can discuss cause and effects within topics

Use sources to look at different versions of the same event – eg Moon Landing Conspiracy?


Know that people who represent the past aren’t always accurate


Can comment on the importance of cause and effects

Understand the differences between sources (propaganda, opinion) and that this might affect their interpretations


Evaluate sources


Give ideas why there may be different accounts of history


Can provide valid reasons for changes and developments within history

Evaluate sources and its reliability


Can explain how and why we have varying sources


Can provide valid reasons for changes and developments within history


Can explain the role of cause and effect as well as its significance

Organisation and communication

Tell stories about the past


Talk, write and draw about items and events from the past

Describe objects, people and events from History


Communicate ideas and understanding through writing, drama, drawing, role-play and ICT

Communicate ideas and understanding through writing, drama, drawing, role-play and ICT

Communicate ideas and understanding through writing, drama, drawing, role-play and ICT

Describe events using writing, drawing, role-play, diagrams, etc


Write factual information about an event they have learnt about


Use ICT to research into a project and create their own presentation

Describe events using writing, drawing, role-play, diagrams, etc


Write factual information about an event they have learnt about


Use ICT to research into a project and create their own presentation