Northlands Wood Primary Academy

Northlands Wood
Primary Academy

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Year 1

Year 2

Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes

I can use my voices in different ways such as speaking, singing and chanting.

I can perform simple vocal patterns.

I can sing and chant as part of a group and on my own.

I can sing with and without an accompaniment.

I can keep to a steady pulse.

I can sing with a sense of the shape of the melody.

I can start and finish performing together realizing the need for silence before and afterwards.

I can perform with awareness of others and realizing that some songs need to be sung softly and others loudly.


I can sing a wide range of songs, rhymes and styles clearly, with expression and enthusiasm to different audiences.

I can sing in parts and rounds, maintaining awareness of what others are doing.

I realise where the part that I am singing fits into the song as a whole.

I can sing songs that help me with my learning about a particular topic and use these to expand my knowledge.


Play tuned and untuned instruments musically


I can repeat short rhythmic and melodic patterns

I can recognise and explore how sounds can be made and changed such as holding a triangle by the string instead of with your hand.

I can play a range of tuned and untuned instruments as they were intended to be used.


I can respond to given starting points such as an animal or character.

I am able to compose simple musical patterns, copy rhythms, and work cooperatively as part of a group. 

I can experiment with a range of ways to create sounds using the same instrument (scraping, tapping, shaking etc.)

I can order sounds within simple structures such as beginning, middle and end.

I am able to rehearse and refine in order to improve my capability and quality of work when working individually or in small groups.

I can create and choose sounds in response to given starting points (e.g a storm or a story)

Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music

I can describe whether a piece of music is fast or slow, loud or quiet.

I can say if a piece of music is happy or sad.

I am able to hear differences in musical elements

I can recognise obvious changes in sounds and take account of musical instructions (e.g. get faster or louder)

I can say what I like about a piece of music that I have listened to, watched or taken part in.

I can listen to a range of stimuli, expressing opinion and noting mood and simple musical elements such as loud and soft or fast and slow.

I can listening to certain pieces of music and describe some of the pictures and images this creates in my imagination.

I can name some of the instruments that I can hear.

I can listen to a range of stimuli noticing many of the key elements, such as beat, rhythm, instruments playing and musical style.

I am able to hear differences in music from other cultures when compared and contrasted to that of my own.

I can discuss how a particular piece of music makes me feel and compare it to another piece of music I might have heard.

Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.

I can choose the most appropriate sound to match a theme (such as an animal, weather or event) when given a limited choice.

I can put two or more sounds into a sequence and repeat them.

I can select instruments based on the appropriate sounds for the intended purpose.

I can recognise and explore how sounds can be organized.

I can respond to music in a variety of ways

I can demonstrate some awareness of beat and mood in pieces I play or create.

I can imitate some elements of a particular style or take influence from pieces of music that I have listened to.

I can combine simple musical elements to create a piece of music based around a simple theme and to a simple criteria (e.g. A storm)

I can analyse my performance, discussing what I liked about it and what I feel I could improve.

I can go back and improve my own work.


I can devise my own musical sequences, taking into account elements such as speed, volume and beat.

I can work as a class, in a group and on my own.

I can represent sounds with symbols if I feel it would help me.  

I can recognise how the musical elements can be used to create different moods and effects and communicate ideas.

I can discuss what I was aiming to do and to what extent I achieved my aim.



Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical

instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency, control and expression

·  I can sing in tune.

·  I can perform simple melodic and rhythmic parts.

·  I can improvise repeated patterns.

·  I understand the importance of pronouncing the words in a song well.

·  I am starting to show control in voice.

·  I can perform with confidence.

·  I can sing in tune with awareness of others.

·  I can perform simple melodic and rhythmic parts with awareness of others.

·   I can improvise repeated patterns growing in sophistication.

·  I can sing songs from memory with accurate pitch.

·  I can maintain a simple part within a group.

·  I understand the importance of pronouncing the words in a song well.

·  I show control in my voice.

·  I can play notes on instruments with care so they sound clear.

·  I can perform with control and awareness of what others in the group are singing or playing.

·  I create songs with an understanding of the relationship between lyrics and melody.

·  Whilst performing by ear and from notations, I maintain my own parts with awareness of how the different parts fit together and the need to achieve an overall effect.

·  I Breathe well and pronounce words, change pitch and show control in singing.

·  I can perform songs with an awareness of the meaning of the words.

·  I can hold a part in a round.

·  I can perform songs in a way that reflects there meaning and the occasion.

·  I can sustain a drone or melodic ostinato to accompany singing.

·  I can play an accompaniment on an instrument (e.g. glockenspiel, bass drum or cymbal).

·  I can perform significant parts from memory and from notations with awareness of my own contribution.

·  I can refine and improve my own work.

·  I can sing or play from memory with confidence, expressively and in tune.

·  I can perform alone and in a group, displaying a variety of techniques.

·  I can take turns to lead a group.

·  I can sing a harmony part confidently and accurately.

To Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes.

· I can compose music that combines musical elements.

·  I can choose sounds to achieve an effect.

· I can order my sounds to help create an effect.

· I can create short musical patterns with long and short sequences and rhythmic phrases.

·  I can compose music that combines several layers of sound.

· I understand the effect of several layers of sound.

· I can compose and perform melodies and songs. (Including using ICT).

·  I can use sound to create abstract effects.

· I can recognise and create repeated patterns with a range of instruments.

· I can create accompaniments for tunes.

· I can choose order, combine and control sounds with awareness of their combined effect.

· I can use the venue and sense of occasion to create performances that are well appreciated by the audience.

· I can compose by developing ideas within musical structures.

· I can improvise melodic and rhythmic phases as part of a group performance.

· I can improvise within a group.

· I can improvise melodic and rhythmic material within given structures.

· I show thoughtfulness in selecting sounds and structures to convey an idea.

· I can create my own musical patterns.

· I use a variety of different musical devices including melody, rhythms, and chords.

To listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory

· I can explore the way sounds can be combined and used expressively.

·  I listen to different types of composers and musicians.

· I can notice, analyse and explore the way sounds can be combined and used expressively.

· I can comment on musicians use of technique to create effect.

· I can notice and explore the relationship between sounds.

· I can notice and explore how music reflects different intentions.

· I can notice, comment on and compare the use of musical devises.

· I can notice, comment on and compare the relationship between sounds.

· I can notice, comment on, compare and explore how music reflects different intentions.

To use and understand staff and other musical notations

· N/A

· I can read music during instrumental lessons.

· I can use Staff and musical notation when composing work.

· I Know how many beats in a minim, crotchet and semibreve and I recognise their symbols.

· I Know the symbol for a rest in music, and use silence for effect in my music

· I Know and use standard musical notation of crotchet, minim and semibreve.

· I can indicate how many beats to play.

· I can read the musical stave and can work out the notes, EGBDF and FACE.

· I can draw a treble clef at the correct position on the stave.

· I can use of a variety of notation when performing and composing.

·  I can compose music for different occasions appropriate musical devises.

· I can quickly read notes and know how many beats they represent.

·  I can use a range of words to help describe music. (e.g. pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, and silence.

· I can describe music using musical words and use this to identify strengths and weaknesses in music.

To appreciate and understand a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn

from different traditions and from great composers and musicians

· I am beginning to recognise and identify instruments being played.

· I can comment on likes and dislikes.

· I can recognise how musical elements can be used together to compose music.

· I can begin to recognise and identify instruments and numbers of instruments and voices being played.

· I can compare music and express growing tastes in music.

· I can explain how musical elements can be used together to compose music

· I can compare and evaluate different kinds of music using appropriate musical vocabulary.

· I can explain and evaluate how musical elements, features and styles can be used together to compose music.

· I can analyse and compare musical features choosing appropriate musical vocabulary.

· I can explain and evaluate how musical elements, features and styles can be used together to compose music.

To develop an understanding of the history of music.

· I can describe the different purposes of music throughout history and in other cultures.

· I understand that the sense of occasion affects the performance.

· I understand that the sense of occasion affects the performance.

·  I can combine sounds expressively

· I understand the different cultural meanings and purposes of music, including contemporary culture.

· I can use different venues and occasions to vary my performances.

· I notice and explore how music reflects time, place and culture.

· I understand and express opinions on the different cultural meanings and purposes of music, including contemporary cultural.

·  I can use different venues and occasions to vary my performances.