Northlands Wood Accessibility Plan 2017-2020
This policy was reviewed and updated in March 2017.
(This policy will be reviewed by the Governors as part of their cycle of policy review, or in response to additional guidance
from the Department for Education).
At Northlands Wood Primary Academy, we want all children to enjoy school, to be challenged to aim high, be independent, respect others, work together and celebrate their success – TOGETHER WE LEARN AND GROW. We are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all children. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children matter.
Purpose of Plan
This plan shows how Northlands Wood Primary Academy intends, over time, to increase the accessibility of our school for disabled pupils, staff, parents/carers and visitors.
Definition of disability
A person has a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Areas of planning responsibilities
Increasing access for disabled pupils to the school curriculum (this includes teaching and learning and the wider curriculum of the school such as participation in after-school clubs, leisure and cultural activities or school visits).
Improving access to the physical environment of schools (this includes improvements to the physical environment of the school and physical aids to access education)
Improving the delivery of written information to disabled pupils (this will include planning to make written information that is normally provided by the school to its pupils available to disabled pupils. The information should take account of pupils’ disabilities and pupils’ and parents’ preferred formats and be made available within a reasonable timeframe
Contextual Information
Northlands Wood Primary Academy has been in its current location since 2010. The school design supports access into school on both the upper and lower levels. There is a lift between floors. There are four disabled toilets. One of these toilets is equipped with a shower. At present we have no wheelchair dependent pupils, parents or members of staff.
Current range of known disabilities
The school has children with a range of disabilities to include moderate and specific learning disabilities. We have a small number of pupils and parents who have a hearing impairment. We also have a child who is registered blind.
Increasing access for disabled pupils to the school curriculum.
Improving teaching and learning lies at the heart of the school’s work. Through self-review and Continuous Professional Development (CPD), we aim to enhance staff knowledge, skills and understanding to promote excellent teaching and learning for all children. We aim to meet every child’s needs within mixed ability, inclusive classes.
It is the ethos of the school that all children are enabled to participate fully in the broader life of the school. Consequently, all children have always been permitted to attend age relevant after school clubs, leisure and cultural activities and educational visits. The only exception would occur if a child had breached school rules when deprivation of club attendance may be used as a suitable short term sanction and to ensure the safety of others.
Target |
Strategies |
Time-scale |
Responsibility |
Success Criteria |
Increase confidence of all staff in differentiating the curriculum |
Be aware of staff training needs on curriculum access Assign CPD for dyslexia, differentiation and recording methods Online learning modules if required |
On-going and as required |
Inclusion Manager |
Raised staff confidence in strategies for differentiation and increased pupil participation |
Ensure classroom support staff have specific training on disability issues |
Be aware of staff training needs Staff access appropriate CPD Online learning modules if required |
As required |
Inclusion Manager |
Raised confidence of support staff |
Ensure all staff are aware of disabled children’s curriculum access |
Set up a system of individual access plans for disabled pupils when required Information sharing with all agencies involved with child |
As required |
Inclusion Manager |
All staff aware of individuals needs |
Use ICT software to support learning |
Make sure software installed where needed |
As required |
Wider use of SEN resources in classrooms |
All educational visits to be accessible to all |
Develop guidance for staff on making trips accessible. Ensure each new venue is vetted for appropriateness |
As required |
All pupils in school able to access all educational visits and take part in a range of activities |
Review PE curriculum to ensure PE accessible to all |
Gather information on accessible PE and disability sports Seek disabled sports people to come into school
As required |
PE co-ordinator |
All to have access to PE and be able to excel |
Improving access to the physical environment of the school
Northlands Wood Primary Academy is continuing to grow and develop. By 2020 it will be fully two form entry with 420 pupils from Reception to Year 6. Provision, in exceptional cases, will be negotiated when a pupil’s specific needs are known.
We have a wide range of equipment and resources available for day to day use. We keep resource provision under constant review. The schools Development planning process is the vehicle for considering such needs on an annual basis.
Target |
Strategies |
Time-scale |
Responsibility |
Success criteria |
The school is aware of the access needs of disabled pupils, staff, governors, parent/carers and visitors |
To create access plans for individual disabled pupils as part of the ILP process when required. Be aware of staff, governors and parents access needs and meet as appropriate. Through questions and discussions find out the access needs of parents/carers through newsletter. Consider access needs during recruitment process. Ensure staff aware of Environment Access Standard. |
As required Induction and on-going if required Annually Recruitment process |
Inclusion Manager
ILPs in place for disabled pupils and all staff aware of pupils needs. All staff and governors feel confident their needs are met. Parents have full access to all school activities. Access issues do not influence recruitment and retention issues. |
Improving the delivery of written information to disabled pupils
This will include planning to make written information that is normally provided by the school to its pupils available to disabled pupils. Examples might include hand outs, textbooks and information about school events. The information should take account of pupils’ disabilities and pupils’ and parents’ preferred formats and be made available within a reasonable timeframe.
In planning to make written information available to disabled pupils we again need to establish the current level of need and be able to respond to changes in the range of need. The school will need to identify agencies and sources of such materials to be able to make the provision when required. The schools ICT infrastructure will enable us to access a range of materials supportive to need.
Targets |
Strategies |
Time-scale |
Responsibility |
Success Criteria |
Review information to parents/carers to ensure it is accessible. |
Provide information and letters in clear print in “simple” English. School office and Inclusion Team will support and help parents to access information and complete school forms. Ensure website and all document accessible via the school website can be accessed by the visually impaired. |
During induction On-going Current |
School Office Staff
Inclusion Team |
All parents receive information in a form that they can access.
All parents understand what headlines of the school information are. |
Improve the delivery of information in writing in an appropriate format |
Provide suitably enlarged, clear print for pupils with a visual impairment. |
As required |
Inclusion Team |
Excellent communication |
Ensure all staff are aware of guidance on accessible formats |
Guidance to staff on dyslexia and accessible information. |
On-going |
Inclusion Manager |
Staff produce their own information |
Annual review information to be as accessible as possible |
Develop child friendly ILP review formats. |
On-going |
Inclusion Manager |
Staff more aware of pupils preferred method of communications |
Languages other than English to be visible in school |
Some welcome signs to be multi-lingual. |
On-going |
Inclusion Manager |
Confidence of parents to access their child’s education. |
Provide information in other languages for pupils or prospective pupils who may have difficulty with hearing or language problems |
Access to translators, sign language interpreters to be considered and offered if possible |
As required Currently being provided for parent |
Inclusion Manager |
Pupils and/or parents feel supported and included |
Provide information in simple language, symbols, large print for prospective pupils or prospective parents/carers who may have difficulty with standard form of printed information |
Ensure website is fully compliant with requirement for access by person with visual impairment.
Ensure Prospectus is available via the school website. |
As needed |
Inclusion Team |
All can access information about the school |